Institute of Asset Management

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  3. Institute of Asset Management
Eventos from this organizador

Achieving Asset Management Excellence in Your Organization – March 2025

This course will provide an overview of asset management maturity assessment tools and uses, will cover real-world examples of evaluating asset management maturity and utilize a gap assessment to develop actionable strategies to advance. An asset management self-assessment and other exercises will be utilized throughout the workshop to provide attendees with practical, ready-to-use ideas and […]

Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) Course – April 2025

The course provides practical insight into the development of Creating a meaningful Asset Management Strategy (also known as a Strategic Asset Management Plan or SAMP), including alignment with organizational objectives and engagement of the workforce, goal-setting, prioritization, risk management, performance monitoring, and cross-disciplinary collaboration. Taught by Tony Thomas, one of our highly experienced asset management […]

ISO 55001 Gap Closure and Developing an Asset Management System – May 2025

Offering a brief introduction to ISO 55001 and management systems, this course introduces the concept of the ‘corporate journey’ and the use of an ‘asset management system’ as a framework for applying good practice. It delivers practical guidance on how to develop practical solutions for applying asset management in your business. This course will be […]

Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) Course – June 2025

The course provides practical insight into the development of Creating a meaningful Asset Management Strategy (also known as a Strategic Asset Management Plan or SAMP), including alignment with organizational objectives and engagement of the workforce, goal-setting, prioritization, risk management, performance monitoring, and cross-disciplinary collaboration. Taught by Tony Thomas, one of our highly experienced asset management […]

Seminário on-line

Terça-feira, 1º de outubro de 2024. 14h-16h Reino Unido

Atualizações ISO55000:2024

Novas expectativas em NORMAS para gestão de ativos; o que você precisa fazer e por que você deve fazer isso

Não importa se sua organização já possui a certificação ISO, está embarcando na jornada de certificação ou questiona seu valor: nós ajudaremos você a aproveitar os novos padrões para tomar decisões mais informadas que promovam o sucesso a longo prazo.

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