Asset Management

A series of targeted short courses to cover the most important knowledge areas of asset management.

We have carefully selected elements of our unrivalled training portfolio and Woodhouse Expertise to create our five ‘Essentials’ courses, helping you to bridge your knowledge gaps quickly and easily.

These courses combine leading-edge e-Learning modules with expert-led live Webinars. They can be accessed on any desktop, laptop, smartphone, or tablet and the content is fully aligned to the GFMAM Asset Management ‘Landscape’ and the IAM Competence Framework for asset management.

Asset Management Systems
Covers the role, scope and standards (ISO 55000) for Management Systems in Asset Management, and how these provide value to your organization. Ideal for those considering what, why and how to introduce or improve such systems.

Asset Management Leadership, Motivation & Culture
For those in, or aspiring to, management roles and needing to understand and influence attitudes, engagement, collaboration and behaviour. This course highlights the understanding of the organisational context and human factors in good asset management, and the key role and requirements of leadership.

Asset Management Strategy & Plans
Shows how organizational context and stakeholder expectations are manifested in Asset Management Strategies and Objectives, the role of a Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP), and the essential linkages with Asset Management (delivery) Plans.

Asset Life Cycle & Performance Management
A must for those with responsibility for purchasing, designing, operating, maintaining or managing physical assets. This course explains the whole life cycle management of assets and the importance of monitoring the life cycle performance and value of both assets and the management system.

Asset Management Decision Making
Will help you to understand and manage the risks associated with assets and the risks that lie in asset management (processes, systems and activities). It explains how risk management fits within the wider disciplines of Asset Management and decision-making.

The Asset Management Systems course provides a summary of Asset Management concepts and good practices. It goes on to introduce and explain the ISO 55000 suite of Standards for Asset Management, and how a management system for Asset Management (AM) provides the necessary framework for coordination, control and continual improvement. It highlights how the AM System works and the benefits that it delivers.

Who is it for?
Specifically, this course is ideal for those individuals who are interested in, or responsible for:

  • The understanding and implementation of good practices for Asset Management
  • Developing and implementing an Asset Management System, such as one based on the requirements of ISO 55001


Scope of the course
Asset Management Systems course combines the following modules:

  • Introduction to Asset Management
  • Introduction to ISO 55000
  • Organizational context and stakeholder expectations
  • Scope of the Asset Management System
  • Developing, implementing and maintaining an effective AM System (live expert-led workshop)


Learning Outcomes

  • What asset management is
  • What assets, assets systems and asset portfolios are
  • The value of assets and the benefits of effective asset management
  • The importance of identifying stakeholders and understanding their expectations
    • How this understanding influences the scope of an organization’s strategy or business plan
    • How do these impact on the design, operation, and performance of an organization’s Asset Management system?
  • What an Asset Management System is, and what it is not
    • How it impacts the whole organization
  • The ISO 55000 family of international standards for Asset Management
    • The context and background to ISO 55000
    • The purpose of ISO 55000, its scope of application, key requirements, and the benefits of applying it
    • How to apply the standards
  • What does organizational context means and why it is important?
  • The essential concepts that must be embedded in the AM system, as well as the key components and features
  • Who and what is involved in establishing the Asset Management System?
  • Continual improvement processes and activities


Asset Management Leadership, Motivation & Culture begins by clarifying the essential concepts, good practices, and benefits of Asset Management. In particular, it focuses on the importance of understanding organizational context, people, culture, and the key role that good leadership plays.

The course covers the main fundamental principles of Asset Management and provides examples of best practices, including how the benefits of good asset management can be communicated effectively to stakeholders both within and outside your organization. It guides the understanding of stakeholder needs, the organizational context, and the establishment of necessary leadership, culture, competencies, collaboration, and communication.

Who is it for?

Specifically, this course is ideal for those individuals who are interested in, or responsible for:

  • The implementation of Asset Management
  • Identifying and understanding stakeholders and their requirements
  • Existing or future leadership roles at any level in the organisation
  • Defining roles and responsibilities
  • Shaping and influencing the culture and behavior
  • Developing or supporting asset management skills and competencies


Scope of the course

Asset Management Leadership, Motivation & Culture course combines the following modules:

  • Introduction to Asset Management
  • Benefits of Asset Management
  • Organizational Context and Stakeholder Expectations
  • Leadership, Organisation and People
  • Establishing a productive Asset Management culture (live expert-led workshop


Learning Outcomes

This course will provide an understanding of

  • Key terms and concepts: assets, assets systems, asset portfolios
  • Value and the benefits of effective asset management.
    • How to relate specific, appropriate benefits to different stakeholders
  • What organizational context means and why it is important
  • The importance of identifying stakeholders and understanding their expectations
  • Communication and consultation in asset management
  • Common misunderstandings and resistance to change in asset management.
  • The importance of leadership in determining goals and priorities, shaping the organization, culture, and ability to meet AM objectives
  • Organizational structure and clarity about roles and responsibilities
  • The importance of people in delivering effective AM
    • How organizations should identify and address competency gaps.
    • The values and behavioral elements that create culture, and how to influence these


Asset Management Strategy and Plans reminds delegates of the core Asset Management (AM) concepts, good practices and the role of an Asset Management Policy. It then explores how context and stakeholder expectations influence the setting of strategic objectives and the Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP). It goes onto explain the practical linkages necessary between the overall strategies and the Asset Management Plans (AMPs) needed to deliver the AM objectives.

The course explains the top-down and bottom-up processes and steps necessary to develop AM objectives, strategies, and plans. It shows how this involves resolving conflicting needs, priorities and constraints to deliver the best overall value to the organisation. The course also sets out how long-term plans have used the basis for determining the organization’s AM activities, resources, and budgetary requirements and ensuring that such plans are realistic and deliverable.

Who is it for?

Specifically, this course is ideal for those individuals who are interested in, or responsible for:

  • Business planning, work forecasting, resourcing and budgeting
  • Development of Asset Management strategy (SAMP) or plans (AMPs)
  • The implementation of a management system for Asset Management (e.g. ISO55001)


Scope of the course

Asset Management Strategy & Plans course combines the following modules:

  • Introduction to Asset Management
  • Organizational Context and Stakeholder Expectations
  • Asset Management Policy, Strategy, Demand Analysis and Objectives
  • Asset Management Planning
  • Alignment, integration, realism and change management
    in strategies and plans (live expert-led workshop)

Asset Life Cycle and Performance Management provides a good understanding of
Asset Management (AM) concepts and good practices. It introduces and explains the stages and activities of the asset life cycle that need to be coordinated to deliver best performance and value. The course also covers the monitoring of such performance.

The course starts by introducing the key concepts of Asset Management. It explains the whole life cycle and stages in managing an asset from the initial identification of need, through creation or acquisition, utilization, and maintenance, to decommissioning, renewal, and/or disposal. It also addresses the essential ‘enablers’ that help to maximize value across the whole life cycle. The program then covers the importance of monitoring the performance of assets, the AM activities, and the overall AM system to ensure continual improvement at all levels. It explains the importance of clear performance indicators and measurement to support the ‘Continual Improvement’ processes.

Who is it for?

Specifically, this course is ideal for those individuals who are interested in, or responsible for:

  • The implementation of Asset Management in any organisation
  • Strategic or Tactical planning
  • Any AM activities at different stages of the assets’ life cycle, such as
    • Creation/Acquisition
    • Operation/utilisation
    • Maintenance
    • Replacement/decommissioning
  • Performance monitoring and management


Scope of the course

Asset Life Cycle and Performance Management course combines the following modules:

  • Introduction to Asset Management
  • Life cycle activities Part 1
  • Life cycle activities Part 2
  • Asset & Asset Management System Performance
  • Monitoring the performance of AM activities and systems (live expert-led workshop)

Our Asset Management Decision Making course provides a good understanding of Asset Management (AM) concepts and good practices, and explores the role of Asset Information and Risk in making Asset Management Decisions.

The course demonstrates how good AM decision-making is crucial to the development of robust Strategies and Plans, to the delivery and demonstration of maximum value. This involves optimizing the mix of costs, risks, performance and sustainability – within any absolute constraints. The course explains the relationship between good asset Information and good decision-making and addresses the issues of data quality and the use of expert knowledge. It also introduces the key concepts and understanding of Risk Management within Asset Management, along with Resilience Analysis, Contingency Planning and the Management of Change.

Who is it for?

Specifically, this course is ideal for those individuals who are interested in, or responsible for:

  • The implementation of Asset Management practices, systems and processes
  • Improving performance and value through better decision-making
  • Asset Information and approaches to managing it
  • Risk management and risk-based decisions

Scope of the course

Asset Management Decision Making course combines the following modules:

  • Introduction to Asset Management
  • Risk and Risk Management
  • Asset Management Decision Making
  • Asset Information Management
  • Decision-making Frameworks and Decision Support (live expert-led workshop)


Learning Outcomes

This course will provide an understanding of:

  • Key terms and concepts: assets, assets systems, asset portfolios
    • Value and the benefits of effective asset management
  • How asset information supports effective decision-making
    • The role and importance of asset knowledge
    • Systematic approaches to delivering the organization’s information requirements
    • Prioritizing actions to develop or improve asset information systems and practices.
  • The importance of robust decision-making methods and decision-making criteria
    • Concepts, processes and tools that support risk-based decision-making
    • The role of effective Life Cycle Costing (LCC) and value realization within AM decisions
  • Risk concepts and risks in different stages of the asset life cycle
    • The key elements in Risk Analysis and Management
    • Asset Criticality, Resilience and Contingency Planning and how these are aligned with risk.

The first four modules comprise professionally developed eLearning modules, with interactive exercises and module assessments, hosted on our Learner Management System. This is fully flexible for PC, tablet and smartphone access. Users each receive a 12-month access license to the modules, along with online support.

The final module is a 2-hour expert-led workshop, delivered via our virtual classroom. It summarises and discusses the material presented in the eLearning modules, and shares real-world case studies in the implementation of AM systems and the benefits obtained. This is followed by a Q&A session where students can pose questions to our Asset Management expert.

The course content was designed and developed by internationally recognized AM experts and is aligned to the ‘Asset Management Landscape’ of the Global Forum for Maintenance and Asset Management (GFMAM). It can also be combined with other AM Essentials courses to complete the full curriculum for the IAM Certificate in Asset Management.

From the most experienced international provider of professional development
With over 25 years of providing asset management education and training
From multi-language e-learning to bespoke in-house programmes for corporate transformations
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Tuesday October 1st, 2024. 2pm-4pm UK

ISO55000:2024 updates

New Expectations in STANDARDS for Asset Management; what you need to do and why you should do it

Whether your organization is already ISO certified, embarking on the certification journey or questioning its value, we will help you leverage the new standards to make more informed decisions that drive long-term success. 

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