Asset Management

The Asset Management Masterclass provides the subject matter understanding, practical insights, and qualifications expected of modern senior managers in any asset-intensive organization. The course is suited to anyone with or moving into, leadership, strategic planning, or asset portfolio responsibility.

Typical participants come from power and water utilities, manufacturing, process, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, oil & gas, mining, transportation, facilities management, and other private or public sector infrastructure.

Taught by the leading international authorities in the subject, each of whom has extensive first-hand experience of managing complex and critical business infrastructure, this is the gold standard course in Asset Management. It combines highly interactive classroom modules, practical workplace assignments, an intensive, total immersion role-play exercise (the ‘Asset Management Challenge’) and formal assessment for the joint award of a Diploma in Asset Management from the Institute of Asset Management (IAM) and a “Professional Asset Manager” Certification from the Woodhouse Partnership Academy.

The Asset Management Masterclass represents the benchmark for personal development and competency recognition if you wish to be acknowledged as an Asset Management professional.
Combining the very best of blended learning methods, the program can be delivered in-house for an organization developing a group of asset management experts. Alternatively, it is also delivered at convenient, prestigious locations for individuals and teams from multiple organizations, enabling sharing of experience and diversity of context. Participants also benefit from entitlement to join the TWPL Academy Alumni community, with ongoing support, resources, and networking.

Contribute to the development and implementation of AM policy, strategy, objectives and plans

in asset-related risk identification, analysis, processes and contingency

the asset life cycle, value realization to optimise the performance, risk and cost of assets

This course is aimed at advanced learners, wishing to reach the highest levels of insight and understanding. Applicants should therefore already have a good understanding of the basic principles and practices of Asset Management. All are expected to have previously attained the level of IAM Certificate, WPiAM CAMA or equivalent qualification. If such independent recognition of prior knowledge is not provided, however, then preparatory e-learning can be obtained via the Asset Management Academy online portal (

Successful completion of the 14 e-learning modules (aligned to the curriculum of the IAM Certificate qualification) will be regarded as adequate evidence of understanding the core principles of Asset Management and eligibility for the Masterclass.

Advanced Asset Management: 5-day residential classroom module
The curriculum for this module revises the fundamental principles and extends to cover the integration and effective implementation of asset management practices and systems throughout the organization. It explores how organizational direction can be converted into specific asset management policies, strategies, plans, and delivery activities that optimize performance and value over the whole life cycle. The supporting elements of leadership, competency, behavior and culture are covered, as well as the necessary information systems, risk management, supply chain management and continuous improvement processes.

The governance role, elements and integration of the overarching management system are explained in detail, along with the processes of developing such systems and improving maturity and performance in asset management.

The course includes the following modules;

  • Principles of Asset Management
  • Asset Management Policy, Strategy & Planning
  • Managing Asset Life Cycle Decisions and Activities
  • Assessing and Managing Asset Management Risks
  • Financial and Business Impact
  • Practices of Asset Management
  • Asset Management Information and Knowledge
  • Sustainable Asset Care and Performance Management
  • Managing Change in Asset Management Systems and Capabilities
  • Contractor and supplier management
  • Demand Forecasting and Capital Expenditure Planning
  • Methods for Realising Whole Life Value from Assets


The participant will develop a business-centered appreciation of Asset Management and will be better able to influence decisions and the performance of the organization. The course is cross-disciplinary and helps to foster effective team-working and to break down departmental silos.

A significant workplace assignment will be scoped and planned in consultation with your tutor. It will normally be a practical asset management activity that will be of value to you and to your employer, such as the design or documentation of a strategic plan, a risk management process, decision-making framework, performance monitoring regime, or asset life cycle plan. Such assignments will be scaled to be deliverable over 2-4 weeks. Online tutor and network community support are available during this period. Assignments will be assessed as part of the Masterclass certification and qualifications scheme.

The AM Challenge is an immersive and competitive role-play game, designed to bring all the asset management concepts together within a realistic, multi-dimensional scenario.

Teams are provided with pre-reading materials two weeks prior to the exercise, and also given a detailed briefing on the evening before the (residential) Challenge commences. The prior reading materials introduce organizational roles for team members, along with context, goals, current performance, and a range of real and perceived risks and opportunities for the asset management scenario. Further information is progressively revealed at stages during the program and additional data can be ‘purchased’ at the teams’ discretion.

The Challenge requires the teams to understand the issues and opportunities, sort out priorities, develop strategies and plans, evaluate and justify the chosen strategic plans, and present these to a ‘board of directors’ (the Masterclass assessors and guest judges). As the game progresses, decisions are reflected in financial and other outcomes, including business performance and a variety of stakeholder impacts. Templates and tools are provided to record and quantify risks, perform cost/benefit evaluation of ideas and options and explore and present different scenarios, with clear identification of the team’s proposed way forward.

Each team is scored on a combination of the hard numbers underpinning their proposals, and the credible, understandable explanation (presentation) of these to a ‘Board of Directors’, plus assessors’ observations and feedback from the working sessions of individual and team performance.

The Asset Management Challenge teaches, tests, and evaluates the ability of each delegate, both as an individual and as a team member. Good teamwork and leadership are essential, and such role-play learning links fundamental Asset Management concepts and principles into real-life contexts, time pressures, conflicting priorities, and confusing information. Developed over 10 years of delivery and refinement at Master’s degree level, the Asset Management Challenge is a unique, very popular, and memorable experience!

The course culminates in a revision session and the formal IAM Diploma of knowledge and understanding, along with the application of professional judgment in practice. It is currently the highest-level qualification awarded by the Institute of Asset Management. 

The Asset Management Masterclass concludes with a feedback session and the presentation of Professional Asset Manager certificates, IAM Diploma qualifications, and CPD points as appropriate. The ceremony offers a final opportunity for the group to socialize, network, and celebrate successes. The ceremony, if part of an in-house delivery program, may also be combined within an optional social event (e.g. class dinner).

Candidates, at the end of the Masterclass, will be able to:

  • Contribute to the development and implementation of AM policy, strategy, objectives, and plans
  • Participate in asset-related risk identification, analysis, and management processes, and contingency planning
  • Understand the asset life cycle, value realization and the role of appropriate tools to optimize the performance, risk, and cost of assets
  • Understand requirements for managing the implementation of asset management plans
  • Identify the information and performance measures needed for effective asset management and evaluate the effectiveness of asset information systems
  • Understand the financial implications of asset and asset management decisions for the organization and translate technical issues into business implications
  • Contribute more effectively to change management, continual improvement, and cultural development

Participant numbers are strictly limited to a maximum of 16 in order to ensure the most engagement and effectiveness. A minimum of 8 delegates is required to make the best use of the teamwork elements and competitive role-play of the Asset Management Challenge.

Acquire a broad understanding of the complex and multi-faceted, cross-disciplinary role of asset management
Develop the skills and knowledge required to effectively manage assets in modern business environments
Develop effective decision-making and problem-solving skills
Reflect on, and critically evaluate, practices in the workplace and different organisational contexts
Critically evaluate the process of skills transfer and application of knowledge into work-based practice

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Asset Management Masterclass Brochure

The Asset Management MASTERCLASS includes:

Classroom learning

  • A five-day residential training course, covering the 39 subject areas of asset management and the 12 modules of the Institute of Asset Management’s Diploma qualification curriculum

Assessment, examination
and certification

  • Half-day exam preparation workshop, revising the curriculum and practicing in exam conditions
  • IAM Diploma examination
  • Awards and feedback session

Applied Learning
in your workplace

  • Practical workplace assignments, with tutor guidance and support
  • Supplementary reading and Asset Management Academy alumni network/community support

Asset Management

  • A unique, immersive team-based, intensive 2½ day ‘role play’ game that teaches real-life application of asset management principles, teamwork, leadership, strategic thinking, decision-making and communication skills

For further information and to obtain a quote please contact us

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